Atlantic Dulse, or Palmaria palmata, is an incredible superfood of the sea. It is a type of edible seaweed that grows wild on the northern coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and is harvested at the beginning of summer and autumn seasons.

Dulse looks like a leafy, red lettuce when it’s fresh, although it’s hard to find the seaweed fresh because it’s usually dried immediately after harvest, like our dulse. 

Keep reading to learn about the powerful benefits of dulse.

Powerful source of nutrition

Atlantic Dulse has unique nutritional benefits which come from the various nutrients it contains, including:

* Iodine 

* Calcium

* Potassium

* Magnesium

* Iron

* Vitamins A (As beta-carotene)

* Vitamin C

* Vitamin B12 (this is especially important for those following a vegan or plant-based diet where vitamin B-12 often needs to be supplemented). 

* Omega-3 fatty acid

* Protein (can range between 9-22% of the dried biomass in protein alone)

* Fibre 

With dulse having such a unique nutritional profile, there is no surprise that there is plenty of research on the health benefits of dulse.

health benefits of Atlantic Dulse*

BONE HEALTH: Dulse is a source of calcium and potassium which help our bones strengthen and become more resilient. Calcium is crucial for long-term bone and joint health.

EYE HEALTH: Dulse is also a good source of vitamin A, which acts as an antioxidant and prevents free radicals from damaging the eye tissue that leads to macular degeneration. Consumption of vitamin A can also slow the development of cataracts, acting as an all-around vision booster. Dulse also contains vitamin C and the carotenoid antioxidants, such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, all of which promote healthy eyesight, reducing free radical damage and decreasing the risk of chronic disease. 

THYROID HEALTH: Due to its significant levels of iodine, dulse can improve on overall thyroid gland health. Not having enough iodine in our body can lead to an under-active thyroid, or hypothyroidism. Including dulse in our diet is an easy way to naturally increase our iodine consumption, an essential nutrient that we must get from our diet as it cannot be synthesised by the human body. Even a small serving of dulse contains over 100 percent of the daily recommended dose for iodine. Keep in mind, consuming too much iodine is also problematic and can lead to thyroid disorders. 

IMMUNE SYSTEM: Dulse contains vitamin C, which may help our body increase its white blood cell count, and also contribute to growth and repair through its important role in collagen production. 

DIGESTIVE HEALTH: Dulse is high in dietary fiber (both soluble and insoluble forms of fibre), meaning that adding it to one’s diet may help regulate digestive processes, particularly for people suffering from constipation or diarrhoea. 

NERVOUS SYSTEM: Dulse contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Studies have linked high levels of omega-3 fatty acids with improved brain and nervous system function. 

HEALTHY BLOOD & CIRCULATION: Dulse is a source of potassium. Potassium is another essential nutrient, well-known as a vasodilator (dilates blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily). Potassium can also help increase blood flow to the brain and capillaries. Potassium plays an important role in balancing body fluids, helping your heart maintain a steady beat and is needed for proper muscle contraction.

According to Anthony Williams, Medical Medium, “Dulse from the Atlantic ocean is a fantastic food for helping to remove toxic heavy metals, radiation, pesticides, and other toxins from the body. This seaweed binds to mercury, lead, aluminum, copper, cadmium, and nickel. Unlike other seaweeds, Atlantic dulse is a powerful force for helping to remove mercury on its own. Atlantic dulse goes into deep, hidden places of the digestive tract and gut, seeking out mercury, binding to it, and never releasing it until it leaves the body”.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Good of Australia. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Shop Wild Atlantic Dulse Flakes


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